The terms and conditions
By using the Buy CFR Tickets Online Service, it is NO longer necessary going to the ticket offices from stations / agencies. The data necessary for the trip shall be sent via email and shall be accessible at any time from the user account.
Pay attention when introducing your contact details! To the email address, as well as to the phone number you declared, the following shall be sent:
- to the email address: the tickets you purchased, as well as the entire correspondence regarding the online transactions performed by accessing this service; the link for resetting the password (when the password has been forgotten).
- via SMS to the phone: data regarding the performed transactions (ticket ID bilet and amount).
We would like to point out that writing a wrong email address makes using the CFR tickets online purchasing service impossible, while writing an incorrect phone number shall make impossible notifying via SMS.
When, following registration, chaging the email address, the phone number or correspondence address is desire, this modification shall be performed from the user profile, namely from the "Modify account data" menu. After modifying the data, it is necessary to reconnect.
It is necessary for a user of the Buy CFR Tickets Online Service to know, follow and agree with the "Terms and conditions" regarding the purchase and usage of the "tickets issued online", as follows :
1. Purchasing tickets online ("CFR tickets online" and "CFR passes online") :
1.1. Tickets can be purchased online directly from the website or via the phone downloadable application, and they can be:
a) Online CFR ticket - as an electronic pdf document, paper print or QR code;
b) Online CFR passes associated to a transport card - digitally loaded on the transport card with proof of payment in the form of an electronic pdf document;
c) Online CFR passes associated to a mobile device (available only via the downloadable app) - as a dynamic QR code;
1.2 "Online CFR tickets" can be purchased with a maximum of 30 days in advance (interval which is calculated starting inclusively with the first day and which represents the maximum advance sales interval in domestic traffic), but no later than the train's departure time from its starting station.
1.3 "Online CFR pass" can be purchased with a maximum of 30 days in advance (interval which is calculated starting inclusively with the first day and which represents the maximum advance sales interval in domestic traffic), having as a validity starting date any date from the advance sales interval.
1.4 CFR Călători reserves the right to modify the maximum terms for advance ticket sales (of 30 days) at any any, should the operating conditions impose it. The modification can be performed for all passenger trains or punctually only for certain trains, with prior passenger notification. In fortuitious cases, the modification of the maximum advance sale interval can be performed without prior notice.
2. Description and types of online tickets, ID checking on board trains
2.1 "CFR online ticket" is NOMINAL and NON-TRANSFERABLE, and allows pefroming the trip only be the persons declared when issuing the ticket and only with the train/trains for which the ticket wss requested. The online CFR ticket can be issued for a single person or for a maximum number of persons equal to the maximum number of seats which can be reserved in a transaction in a day coach/ sleeper or berth cabin specificed at point 9 Seat Booking from the current terms and conditions.
When issuing online CFR tickets, the names and qualitiy of the persons travelling on board the train, shall be declared.
On board the train, the passengers must present the online ticket, as well as an ID document stating the ticket's membership (identity card, passport, driving licence or birth certificate, original or copy, for persons less than 14 years of age), or the document on the basis of which the transport facility is granted in the case of beneficiaries of facilities (e.g. pupil, student, etc.), specified in these terms and conditions.
The CFR online ticket does NOT allow the interruption of the trip.
2.2 The online CFR pass associated to a transport card is NOMINAL and NON-TRANSFERABLE and it allows performing an unlimited number of trips by the person for which the pass was requested, during its' validity period, for the distance, at the 2nd class and at the train rank for which it was issued, including its' inferior rank.
The online CFR passes associated to a transport card are passes with intergral payment, monthly and weekly, which can be issued either through the online app by accessing the website, either by accessing the online app downloadable on the phone.
On board the train, the passengers must present the transport card in original, as well as an identity document stating the card's membership (identiy card, passport, driving licence).
In case of loss/theft of a transport card, it can be replaced with another card for a fee at the ticket offices, and the onlince CFR passes associated to the respective card shall be automatically transferred to the new card, provided they are still valid at that time.
In case there are several routes between the departure and the arrival stations, the route on which the trip shall be made, shall be selected.
2.3 The online CFR pass associated to a mobile device is NOMINAL and NON-TRANSFERABLE and it allows performing an unlimited number of trips by the person for which the pass was requested, during its' validity period, for the distance, at the 2nd class and at the train rank for which it was issued, including its' inferior rank; it can be purchased only through the downloadable app and it can be issued both with integral tariff payment (monthly, 14-day, 5-day season tickets), as well as with discount for pupils, students and students with special mentions (monthly season tickets).
On board the train, the passengers must present the ticket's QR code, displayed directly in the wodnloadable app, an identity document stating the pass's membership (identity card, passport, driving licence or birth certificate, original or copy, for persons less than 14 years of age), and, for discount beneficiaries, (ex. pupil, student, etc.), the document on the basis of which the transport discount is granted, stated within the current terms and conditions.
The passes purchased through the downloadable app associated to a mobile device can be used only for the distance and the train rank for which it was issued, as well as for its' inferior rank.
In case there are several routes between the departure and the arrival stations, the route on which the trip shall be made, shall be selected.
3. The online CFR tickets and passes, no matter the form they are presented in, are identified through an unique ID containing the requested travel data when purchasing the online ticket/pass, as well as the customized data of the passenger type which purchased the online ticket/pass.
4. According to the in-force normative acts, when travelling by train, the categories of passengers through which tickets can be purchased by means of the "Buy CFR Tickets Online" service, are defined as follows:
a) "adult" - is considered any person (no matter the age) which pays the integral transport tariff or with the discounts granted from the integral tariff corresponding to the various commercial offers specific to this type of customer;
b) "child" - are considered children until at most reaching the age of 10 years, at the date of the trip, including the ones up to 5 years for which a separate seat is requested. These passengers shall pay the discounted "child" tariff. We would like to mention that, if a separate seat is not requested, children up to 5 years of age benefit from free train travel (therefore it is not necessary to purchase a ticket for them, nor to be declared when a ticket is purchased). On board the train, the staff with inspection and control roles have the right to request proof of children age, by presenting a copy of the birth certificate;
c)"adult with a TrainPlus card"- is considered any person, no matter the age, which owns a nominal Train Plus card, valid at the date when the ticket was purchased. The TrainPlus card can be purchased only from the ticket offices from stations and CFR Călători travel agencies, and is valid for one year. On the basis of the TrainPlus card, tickets can be bought with a 25% discount from the transport tariff for Regio and InterRegio trains, at 1st and 2nd classes, in advance, during the card's validity period, at the latest for a train which departs at 24.00 hrs of the last validity day of the card; the tariff for the reservation ticket at the trains with a reservation regime, the tariff differencies for travelling on board an intercity train or the tariff for a bed supplement at the sleeper or berth coaches, shall be paid in full.
d) "adult with a transport card" - is considered any person, no matter the age, which owns a transport card; the transport card is nominal, is issued on the basis of a pssenger's wirtten request at the ticket offices with electronic issuing from stations and travel agencies and represents the physical support for aasociatiing online CFR passes, etc.
e) "pupil" - pupils, from accredited/authorized pre-university education, including the ones registered in the pre-university educational institutions contained within the Special Registry of the pre-university educational instituions from Romania. The pupils benefit from free railway domestic transport for all train ranks, at the 2nd class. For travelling at 1st class, sleeper or berth coach, the pupils shall pay in full the fare differences, namely the class difference and the reservation tariff for 1st class/bed supplement (when travelling on board a 1st class or sleeper coach), or the bed supplement tariff when travelling on board a berth coach, depending on the type of ticket they own and the reuested travel conditions.
In order to buy online tickets/passes, it is necessary for the pupil to have an ID issued by CFR Călători (to have a registered and validated profile for the current school year). This can be obtained, yearly, from the ticket office or travel agencies, where it is necessary to present in original (physical) the note book / identity or pupil certificate stamped by the educational institution they belong to, containing the following elements: pupil's surname and first name, pupil's personal numerical code, visa for the current school year (signature and stamp of the educational institution's management). The certificate must include in addition the fact that the educational instituion they belong to is accredited/authorized or contained within Special Registry of the pre-university educational instituions which function with a foreign curriculum.
When checking the legality of travelling on board the train, the pupils must present the online ticket as a pdf.electronic document or printed format with a QR code / the online passes in digital format available through the downloadable application - in the form of a dynamic QR code as well as an identity document: identity card, passport, residence permit, driving licence (in original) or birth certificate for pupils under 14 years of age (in copy or original). Instead of the identity document, the note book / pupil identity in original is also accepted, stamped for the current school year, if it includes the personal numerical code and the pupil's photo. Any other situation shall mean the lack of a valid ticket, thus the onboard tariff for adults being applied.
f) "student" - Romanian/foregin students, up to 30 years of age, registered in a form of education with regular attendance in the higher education institutes accredited from România and from the Romanian Academy. The students benefits from a 90% reduced fare for domestic rail transport, on all train categories, 2nd class, only on the distance/routes between the place of residence and the place where the higher education institution where the student is enrolled is located
g)"studentwith special mentions"- suspended According to OUG no.156/30.12.2024 (students registered in a form of education with regular attendance in the higher education institutes accredited from România and from the Romanian Academy, with one or both deceased parents, as well as students from foster care centers or who were placed with an extended family, surrogate or foster care, benefit from a 100% discount on domestic rail transport (transport fare and including class carriage seat reservation fare) on all train categories (regio, interregio and intercity), 2nd class).
For travelling in the 1st class, sleeper or berth coach, the students/students with special mentions shall pay in full the fare differences, namely the class difference and the reservation tariff for 1st class/bed supplement (when travelling on board a 1st class or sleeper coach), or the bed supplement tariff when travelling on board a berth coach, depending on the type of ticket they own and the reuested travel conditions.
In orider to buy online tickets/passes, it is necessary for the student/student with special mentions to have an ID issued by CFR Călători. It can be obtained directly from the ticket offices or travel agencies, where it is necessary to present in original the student identity for free/discounted transport, stamped for the current university year (for students with special mentions, a visa attesting the gratuity is also needed, certified by the signature and stamp of the educational institution).
When checking the legality of travelling on board the train, the pupils must present the online ticket as a pdf.electronic document or printed format with a QR code / the online passes in digital format available through the downloadable application - in the form of a dynamic QR code and the original student ID (completed with CNP or series and passport no. for foreign students), intended for the current academic year and on which the higher education institution has certified the right to free of charge (in the case of students with special mentions) by registering on on the back of the ID the mention "Free" and applied the signature, respectively stamped for the current university year. Any other situation shall mean the lack of a valid ticket, thus the onboard tariff for adults being applied.
5. By using the "Buy CFR Tickets Online" service, the following can be purchased online:
5.1 Online CFR tickets
5.1.1 for a simple or return trip, for the following categories of passengers: "adult", "child", "adult with a TrainPlus" card, "pupil" and "student/student with special mentions ", defined at point. 4 letters, a), b) c), e), f) and g).
5.1.2 for the transport of non-foldable bicycles - bicycle ticket, if a number of bicycles equal to the number of passengers requesting a reservation, is requested, for simple or return trip, only if the respective trains offer such services, with the application of the rates set according to the km area.
5.1.3 for the transport of dogs accompanied by persons over 18 years of age, ticket for dog, only for the ones fitted with a muzzle, held on a leash on the coach floor, in compartments, in 2nd class coaches, being issued only in connection with standard tickets/offers or a return ticket. Fight and attack dogs, assimilated through their morphological characters with dogs like Pit Bull, Boerbull, Bandog and their half breeds, are excepted.
5.1.4 for trains circulating in domesctic traffic with a reservation regime (InterRegio - IR, InterCity - IC, Regio-Express - R-E, Regio - R) and for trains without a seat reservation regime (R - Regio), only on the routes offered by the CFR online tickets sale app, for which the "Buy" button is available.
5.1.5 for the commercial classes (types of coaches) la care CFR Călători oferă astfel de servicii;
5.1.6 for a maximum number of passengers per transaction, depending on the type of coach, according to the provisions of point 9 below;
5.1.7 if for each train from the selected route, for all the passenger in the transaction, the same type of coach (commercial class) is requested.
5.1.8 if a separate seat is requested for each passenger, for trains with a reservation regime (InterRegio - IR, InterCity - IC, Regio-Express - R-E, Regio - R), except sleeper and couchette coaches for children up to 10 years of age.
5.1.9 for sleeper and couchette coaches, for children up to 10 years of age, the following are allowed:
- for 2 children occupying together a single bed, the tariff for a single bed supplement shall be paid,
- if a separate bed for a child is not requested, the bed supplement shall not be paid (a single child with a companion in each bed shall be admitted, inclusind for children under 5 years of age).
5.2. Online CFR passes
5.2.1 for the following categories of passengers: "adult", " with special mentions adult with a transport card", "pupil", "student/ student with special mentions", ddefined at point 4., as follows:
a)Online CFR passes with full payment, with an unlimited number of 5-day, 14-day or monthly trips for adults;
b)Online monthly CFR passes with an unlimited number of free trips for pupils (only available via the downloadable app on your phone);
c)Online monthly CFR passes with an unlimited number of trips, with a discount/free for students/students with special mentions (only available via the downloadable app on your phone).
5.2.2 for travelling only at 2nd class, for distances of up to 300 km;
5.2.3 for the selected route when requesting the trip; in case there are several routes between the departure and arrival stations, the route on which the trip shall be performed, shall be selected.
5.2.4 for a InterCity, InterRegio or Regio train rank; in case of a pass issued for higher rank, it is also valid for travelling with trains of a lower rank.
5.2.5 for the validity period selected when requesting the trip;
5.2.6 online CFR passes do not allow travelling on board IC trains issued in 2nd class give the right to travel in higher class (1st class) in the train rank for which they were issued, with the payment of the class difference and the reservation fee according to the provisions of point 15.4 of these "Terms and conditions".
5.2.7 online CFR passes valid for the Regio train give the right to travel with a higher-class train (IR or IC), in compliance with the provisions stipulated in point 15.4 of these "Terms and conditions", as follows: in the same class for which they were issued - with payment of rank differences (IR or IC, as the case may be) and the corresponding booking fee; in higher class (from 2nd class to 1st class) - with payment of the difference in class, the difference in rank (IR or IC, as the case may be) and the corresponding reservation fee;
5.2.8 online CFR passes do not allow travelling on a deviated route (on a route which falls in a tariff kilometer distance higher than the one for which it was purchased).
6.CFR Călători shall notify via e-mail any modification related to customers' trip, which purchased "online CFR tickets", if these are known (ordered) with more than 24 hours before the date and time of the first train's departure on the route (before the date and time of the passenger's boarding in the first train from the route). A registered user/customer of the service Buy CFR Tickets Online must and is directly responsible for checking the sent emails, in order to acknowledge the eventual modifications of his trip. CFR Călători shall take no responsibility in case in which it has advised the user regarding the modification, but it has NOT acknowledged these information in advance. The respective information shall also be available from the train staff.
7.CFR Călători reserves the right to modify at any time the number of the trains, coach types and tariff offers available for online sale, without prior notice.
8. Selecting the type of passenger, as well as the correct registering of other data necessary for the trip, namely:
- surname and first name of the passengers for the: "adult" and "child" type of passenger;
- types of passengers (adult, child, adult with a TrainPlus card)
- validation ID for online purchasing of tickets, as well as the personal numerical code for beneficiaries of free/discounted transport for "pupil" "student" and " student with special mentions "
- the number of the TrainPlus card (card ID), as well as the personal numerical code for TrainPlus card owners;
- series and number of the transport card, as well as the passenger's personal numerical code;
- date of travel, train/trains from the route, coach class/ type;
- validity period in case of online CFR passes;
- train rank, in case of online CFR passes,
shall be made on the service user's responsibility.
8.1 Before accessing the "confirmation" button, it is reccommended to verify the selected data regarding:
- date of travel, train, distance, ticket/offer type, number and types of passengers, coach class/type - in case of online CFR tickets.
- validity period, train rank, distance, pass type - in case of online CFR passes.
8.2. Immediately after buying of the CFR ticket online / CFR pass online (which is sent electronically by e-mail but it is also available from the user account in the "Orders" section, the customer is obliged to check whether the data entered on it correspond to the requested data.
In the case of issuing a CFR ticket online, if it is found that the data do not match, the customer can request the cancellation of the erroneous ticket (no commission retention) within one hour at most from the time of purchase, but not later than one hour before the departure of the first train on the route. After the expiration of this term, requests are resolved according to the provisions of point 12.
In the case of issuing a CFR pass online, if it is found that the data do not match, the customer can request the cancellation of the erroneous pass (no commission retention) within a maximum of one hour from the moment of purchase, if the period of validity of the pass has not started. After the expiration of this term, requests are resolved according to the provisions of point 12.
We draw attention that in situations where on the train the passengers do not have an online CFR ticket / online CFR pass valid for the train / rank train from the date of travel or the identity of that person cannot be proven and / or the declared quality cannot be proved, respectively by: the child, the TrenPlus card holder, the travel pass holder, pupil, student, they will be considered as not having a valid travel pass and will be required to pay the increased tariff on the train.
9. Seat reservation
9.1. When buying CFR tickets online for trains with a reservation system, the seat reservations are made within the limit of available seats on the train, being assigned automatically according to predefined rules (taking into account the type of coach car and in most cases the preferences expressed by passengers) in accordance with the selections made by the customer (class, requesting a certain desired coach number, number of seats, the bed position in the case of the booking at a berth coach). During the advance sale period, no later than 24 hours before the departure of the train, for the day coaches, passengeres can choose the reserved seats by selecting the coach number and the seats from those remaining available at the time of ticket purchase.
9.2. In special situations that require operational changes in the composition of the trains for technical reasons or in other unforeseen situations, there may be changes regarding the number of seats in the coach and/or their position (positioning).
9.3. After boarding on train, to clarify any inconsistencies or for further information on reserved seats, passengers shall contact the train staff serving the train in question.
9.4. The maximum number of seats that can be reserved in a single online transaction, differs depending on the type of coach, as follows:
· 12 seats in the day coach - seat (1st class, 2nd class);
· 6 seats in the berth coach with 6 beds in cabin;
· 4 seats in the berth coach with 4 beds in cabin;
· 2 seats in sleeping coach with 2 beds in cabin and in sleeping coach in single regime (alone in the cabin);
· 3 seats in sleeping coach with 3 beds in cabin.
9.5 CFR online passes are issued without a seat reservation. If the passenger wishes to travel with a reserved seat, passengers can request a seat reservation according to the provisions of point 15.4 of these "Terms and Conditions".
10. In case the passenger wishes to buy tickets for larger groups, the customer can choose either to make several orders within the service I buy CFR tickets online, or to go directly to the CFR Călători tickets offices. In case the tickets for large groups are purchased through multiple online orders (more transactions), for trains with a reservation system (InterRegio - IR, InterCity - IC, Regio-Express - R-E, Regio - R), the seats can be reserved in the same coach using the option to select seats in the desired coach. In this case, on step 3 "Number and type of passengers" to "Travel options" shall be selected "Customized" and shall declared in the field "Desired coach number", the coach number obtained on the first transaction, or the option is selected "Choose the seats", depending on the time of purchase and the seats available in the application at the time of purchase.
11. Change of travel dates (respectively the change of the transport contract) is allowed only for a " CFR online ticket" already purchased and is made by the registered user, from their own profile by accessing the "Orders" section (from the top bar on the home page), submenu "Operations on a ticket" - the function: Change the ticket. This operation can only be performed under the following conditions:
11.1. The request is made only for a ticket in the status Paid , for the trains which circulates in the available range for buying a" CFR online ticket" (respectively for trains that have a circulation date up to 30 days in advance), at the latest until the departure of the train from the boarding station.
11.2. The change is made for a ticket as a whole, i.e. for all passengers mentioned on the ticket and for all trains running on that route. In the case of the offer / the round-trip ticket, the change request can only be made for both trips (respectively both for the departure as well as for the return), before the departure time of the outgoing train, and the request must be registered no later than the departure of the train from the boarding station.
11.3 It is possible to request the change of the travel date, of the train, of the class / the type of the coach and/or the route provided that the departure and arrival railway stations, the number of passengers, the type (category) of passengers as well as their names on the original ticket remain unchanged;
11.4 If for the new journey a reservation is desired in a sleeping coach (in a cabin with 3 beds, 2 beds or in a "single" regime) and respectively in the berth coach (in cabin with 4 or 6 beds), the number of passengers registered on the original ticket must comply (to fit) the maximum number of passengers provided for a single transaction (specified in point 9);
11.5 The request to modify a purchased ticket can be done only once, and the customer pays the related fees and possible tariff differences. The new "online CFR ticket" (issued as a result of a request to change travel data) DOES NOT allow other changes, the tickets in the status: After the change, paid no further modification is allowed.
11.6 When changing a ticket, a ticket for dog can be requested to be added for 2nd class bookings, as well as ticket/tickets for bicycle (for all passengers registered on the original ticket) if there are such services available on the new train on which the journey is desired.
11.7 The modification of the online tickets that are also issued for a bicycle or for a dog can be done with the retention of an additional fee of 10% of the value of the bicycle ticket, respectively of the dog ticket.
11.8 When changing a ticket that also includes a bicycle ticket or a dog ticket, these can be waived (respectively for both the bike ticket and the dog ticket). In this case, if the passenger wants to give up the dog ticket or the bicycle ticket, if the new train on which the passenger wishes to travel, 90% of the value paid for transporting the bicycle, respectively of the value of the dog ticket, is returned to him.
11.9 The modification of the online tickets is made only with the payment of the tariff differences calculated according to the regulations in force (coach class differences / coach type, route, reservation tickets, etc.).
11.10 ATTENTION! The modification of the travel dates on a train that has reduced fares (lower rates - lower rank, lower class or with specific commercial offers) is made WITHOUT the refund of fare differences reservation tickets for coach class. In this case, if the passenger wants to recover the due fare differences, it is necessary to give up the original ticket, by restitution (according to the provisions of point 12) and buy another ticket according to the new requirements. We specify that in this case the amounts due to the paying customer, as a result of the cancellation of the trip (calculated according to the provisions of point 12) are returned as a rule in 3-5 working days depending on the policy of the bank issuing the card (with which the payment was made), term which according to the banking legislation in force can be extended to 30 days. Please note that the amounts are NOT refundable on the spot, nor can they be used to pay for other tickets.
11.11 If the passenger wishes to change the ticket by give up traveling with a sleeping coach/berth coach, the value of bed supplements for reserved seats in sleeping coach or berth coach is returned with the retention of the commissions provided for in point 12.
11.12 After the change has been made, the original ticket is no longer valid, and the passenger receives a new ticket in PDF format to the e-mail address declared in the account, according to the new requirements, the ticket being also available in the user account.
11.13 In case the names of the passengers have been entered incorrectly, their correction can only be carried out (realized) if they are requested to change them at least 24 hours before the departure of the first train on the route, by sending a request to change the erroneously entered data, by mail to the e-mail address:
11.14 The online CFR tickets DO NOT allow / do not give the right to make the following changes:
- the type of passenger (adult, adult with TrenPlus card, child, pupil, student, etc.);
- the gender selected (in the case of requested changes to the sleeping car);
- the number of passengers;
- the departure/arrival raliway stations stated on the initial ticket;
- the trip interruption;
- the modification of a ticket that has already been modified (ticket issued as a result of a previous modification request).
11.15 If such changes are desired (specified in point 11.14.) it is necessary that the respective "online CFR tickets" (which do not meet the new requirements) to be returned through the application according to the provisions of point 12, and other "online CFR tickets" will be purchased, according to subsequent requests.
11.16 In the case of reservations for sleeping /berths coaches, the presentation of passengers to the reserved coach /seats can be done within a maximum of 1 (one) hour from the departure of the train from the boarding railway station indicated on the travel pass.
12. Cancellation of journey for personal reasons and refund of fees
12.1 The cancellation the journey for personal reasons and refunding the fees for an "online CFR ticket" can only be made on the basis of a refund request, completed only from the user account, in compliance with the following conditions:
a)as a rule, the refund request must be completed directly in the application by the registered user from his / her own profile (by using the "Orders" section, within the online application - on the blue bar at the top of the home page, accessing "Operations on a ticket " - the Cancel trip function for a ticket in one of the states: Paid or Following the change, paid and will be taken into account only if registered before the departure of the train from the boarding railway station. After the expiration of these terms, the "online CFR tickets " are NOT refundable. Exceptions are the special cases provided for in point 12.2. and point 14.
b)in special cases where the passenger presents himself at a railway station and complains about the impossibility of registering the refund request online, the refund request can also be completed at the ticket offices in the CFR Călători units, but this will only be taken into account if it is registered until the train leaves the boarding railway station.
c)the request is made for a ticket as a whole, i.e. for all the passengers registered on that ticket and for all the trains that runs on the respective route (it is NOT allowed to request a refund only for part of the trips written on the ticket or only for part of the trains on the route);
d)in the case of round-trip tickets, a partial refund can be requested only for the return journey, but only after the departure journey has been made and under the conditions that the request is submitted for the return journey at the latest before the departure of the return train from the boarding railway station.
e)the related amounts are calculated with withholding of the corresponding processing fee, according to the regulations in force accessible on the official website, at the address among which we mention the following main rules:
- the value of the reservation tickets for the seats in the class coaches is NOT refundable (the value of the reservation tickets for each train and reserved seat on the route is deducted from the amount paid);
- the value of bed supplements for reserved seats in sleeping or berth coaches is refunded with a 10% commission if the request is made on later than one day before the train departure date from the first railway station on the train's route (departing / forming) or 50% if the request is registered on the day of train departure, but not later than one (1) hour before the departure of the train from the first railway station on the departing /forming train route. After the expiration of this term, the bed supplement rate is NOT refundable.
f) the value of the transport fares (without reservation) is refunded with a retention of a 10% commission. In the case of round tickets, if a refund is requested for the return journey only, a commission of 20% of the carriage fare will be withheld.
g) the value of the ticket for the bicycle and the dog is refunded with a commission of 10% of their value.
h) the returned amounts shall be transferred directly to the account associated with the card with which the payment was made (under no circumstances will the related amounts be refunded on the spot in cash at the CFR Călători ticket offices).
12.2 In special cases where the deadlines for registering a request to cancel the trip due to illness, accident or detention by the police cannot be met, requests should be sent by email to, within a maximum of 3 days from the occurrence of the incident that led to the impediment to transport. Careful! These requests will be taken into account (for the calculation of the amounts that should be returned, withholding the commissions according to the provisions of point 12.1) only if they are accompanied by official documents (issued by state or competent health institutions) confirming that on the date of the trip, the person in question was unable to submit/register the application within the established deadlines. Prescriptions or general documents about certain chronic diseases are not accepted.
12.3 Canceling the trip for personal reasons and refunding the fares for an "online CFR pass" an only be made on the basis of a refund request, completed only from the user account, in compliance with the following conditions:
a)the refund request (total or partial) of the online CFR pass must be completed directly in the application by the registered user from their own user profile (by using the "Orders" section, within the online application - on the top blue bar on the start by accessing the Cancel the trip function for a pass being Paid.
b)the full refund request for an online CFR pass will only be considered if it is registered before the validity start date. After the start date of the validity of the pass, it is only possible to partially refund it.
c)in case of failure of the online application, travel cancellation requests for online CFR pass can be sent by e-mail to
d)the related sums to be returned are calculated withholding the corresponding processing fee, according to the regulations in force accessible on the official website, at the address , among which we mention the following main rules:
- from the amount paid for the online CFR pass, the 10% processing fee and the value of the days used, minimum the corresponding rate for one working day;
- the amounts to be refunded will be transferred directly to the account associated with the card with which the payment was made (under no circumstances are the related amounts NOT refunded on the spot in cash at the CFR Călători ticket offices).
e) the online CFR passes for which a refund is request (total or partial) has been registered will be deactivated from the moment the request is submitted, as they are no longer valid for transport.
13. Change of travel dates due to Railways (delays, cancellations or loss of connection) or in other unforeseen situations
13.1 In special cases of train delays, cancellations or loss of connection at departure station/on route caused by rolling stock breakdown or for unforseen causes (weather conditions, natural disaster, etc.), to continue the journey, we recommend passengers holding CFR online tickets to contact the ticket counter staff and/ or train staff to change the travel data/validate the CFR online ticket for another train in traffic, including for a train running before the train for which the CFR online ticket was issued, without paying other fares and/or refunding travel fares, as the case may be.
13.2 In the situations provided for in section 13.1, travel data cand be changed at passenger's request at ticket counters, by issuing a replacement ticket for the CFR online ticket, only from the departure station on the online ticket (either the initial station or the connecting station on route).
13.3 If the passenger no longer wants to continue the journey, he/she must request to cancel the journey either online from his/her own user profile or by filling in a request for refund at ticket counters. The amounts to be refunded, calculated according to the regulations in force will be returned to the credit card account from which the CFR online ticket was paid. The conditions and deadlines mentioned below in section 14 will be observed when refunding the travel fares.
13.4 When the train for which the journey continuation is requested does not have the same services (1st class, WLA, BC) as the train on the CFR online ticket and/or there are no more seats available and the passenger agrees to travel at a lower class, tariff differences calculated according to the regulations in force will be automatically refunded after the trip, to the credit card account from which the initial online payment was made.
13.5 If a round trip ticket is changed upon request, a replacement ticket will be issued at ticket counters only for the journey that has as its starting point the station where the passenger is at the time of the request.
14. Refund for reasons attributable to CFR Călători (outside standard conditions)
14.1 Refund of CFR online tickets for reasons attributable to CFR Călători (outside standard conditions)
In special cases, in which the journey can not be carried out for reasons directly or indirectly attributable to the carrier CFR Călători, for the total or partial refund of the amounts paid, the request is accepted only in the following situations in compliance with the conditions below:
a)The first train on the route has an estimated delay of 60 minutes or more and the journey is cancelled;
b)Regardless of the delay of the first train on the route, its delay leads to the loss of the connecting train given that there are tickets purchased for both trains (belonging to CFR Călători) and the passenger cancels the trip entirely;
c)The connection was lost on the route and no replacement ticket is requested (from that station) to continue the journey by another train;
d)The train has a delay of more than 60 minutes (delay that was not known at departure) and the passenger cancels the continuation of the journey at a station on the route;
e)The train was cancelled/no longer runs on a part or the entire route.
f)In case of round-trip tickets for which the one-way trip is requested to be cancelled for reasons directly or indirectly attributable to CFR Călători, it must be specified whether the return journey is maintained or cancelled.
Refund requests are considered if registered online or at the station, as the case may be, within
certain deadlines, as follows:
- no later than the actual departure hour of the train from the boarding station - for the situations provided for in par.a), b) and f);
- no later than the departure hour of the next connecting train - for the situations provided for in par par. c);
- no later than the actual departure hour of the train from the station on the route - for the situations provided for in par lit.d);
- no later than the departure hour of the next train that can provide transport on the route indicated on the ticket- for the situations provided for in par lit.e);
The actual departure hour of the train from a station is considered the departure hour according to the schedule mentioned on the ticket to which the delay is added.
14.2 Refund of CFR online season tickets for reasons attributable to CFR Călători (outside standard conditions)
In special cases where journeys based on CFR online season tickets can not be carried out for a certain period, for reasons directly or indirectly attributable to the carrier CFR Călători (disasters that lead to the impossibility of using it on the route and train rank for which it was issued on one or more days), the refund of fares related to this period is possible only based on a request for refund, send to the e-mail address The amounts to be refunded are calculated according to the regulations in force, accessible on the official website, at
CFR online season tickets for which a request for refund (total or partial) has been registered will be deactivated once the request is submitted and they will no longer be valid for transport.
14.3 We mention that according to the provisions of the legislation in force (GD 527/2023) in Romania, for the national transport services, the obligation of railway operators to grant compensations in case of delay is exempted.
15. When travelling by train, customers have at their disposal several commercial offers made available by CFR Călători and can choose from one of them, depending on their preferences and specific requirements, benefiting from different commercial discounts that that are usually NOT cumulative, as follows:
15.1 Round-trip offer
The offer is valid for a round-trip on routes where only one train runs both on the one-way journey and on return journey, for any train available for online sale, any class/type of coach and any route, according to the selections made, separately for the one-way and return journeys for which the travel data are known. The condition is that the arrival station for the one-way journey is identical to the departure station for the return journey and the arrival station for the return journey is identical to the departure station for the one-way journey.
A 10% discount is granted from the full transport fare, on any train of any rank, for each separate train (one-way train and the train selected for the return trip) for "the round-trip" offer for "adult". The price of the seat reservation at class coach or bed supplement at sleeping coach or berth coach is paid in full.
« Round-trip » offer granting a 10% discount from the transport fare is available during the advance sale period, exclusively on the train departure day for the one-way trip.
«Round-trip» ticket for the online sale can also be issued for the categories "child", "adult with TrenPlus card", "pupil" and "student", but in this case, only the discount provided by that category, based on normative documents (corresponding to: "child", "pupil" and "student") can be granted or the commercial offer for TrenPlus card, as the case may be, without any other additional discount.
For the « round-trip » ticket/offer, it is necessary to accurately establish the date, train, class/type of coach by which the trip is to be made, both one-way and return. Passengers may request for the return trip any date during the advance sale period, starting on the same day of the one-way trip.
Discounts granted for the «round-trip» offer are NOT cumulative with other discounts (such as: advance sale, TrenPlus Card, etc.).
15.2. TrenPlus Card
Based on the nominal card "TrenPlus", CFR online tickets can be purchased during its validity period, in an unlimited number, on any route, for Regio and InterRegio trains, at 1st and 2nd class, with a 25% discount of the value of the full transport fare. Seat reservation tariff at class coach and bed supplement/berth coach tariff are paid in full.
The discount granted based on this offer is NOT cumulative with other commercial offers (round-trip, advance sale, percentage discounts granted on certain routes, etc.) or facilities established based on normative documents.
TrenPlus card can not be used when travelling with discount by Intercity train.
If for a discounted ticket purchased based on a TrenPlus card, the passenger does not submit that card upon ticket control onboard, the passenger is considered to travel without a ticket and will pay the ticket price at the charging rate onboard, calculated on the route, rank and class used.
TrenPlus Card can be purchased for a fee, by any passenger, regardless of age, based on a written request (standard form), mentioning the validity start date, holder name, Social Security Number, address and optionally other contact details (email, etc), only from ticket counters of CFR stations and travel agencies that have electronic ticket issuing system.
Tickets purchased based on TrenPlus card may have validity data only data during its validity period (including the card's last day of validity).
15.3. Discounts for advance purchase of "CFR online tickets"
There are discounts granted from the full transport fare (reservation ticket is paid in full) for adult and children tickets (up to 10 years old), depending on the advance period with which tickets are purchased. Discounts start from 5% when purchased 6 days in advance and up to 10% if purchased more than 11 days in advance. Discounts granted for advance purchase do not apply to round-trip tickets or other commercial offers. The discount applies only to the full transport fare for the one-way journey. The advance sale period for the application of this discount is calculated without the current day.
15.4. Discounts granted when buying "CFR online season tickets"
15.4.1 CFR online season tickets - are CFR Călători offers that grant discounts on transport based on which an unlimited number of trips can be made during the validity period, according to the conditions of issuance and use of these "Terms and Conditions" and the regulations in force available on
15.4.2 CFR online monthly tickets, with full payment of related fares can be purchased ONLINE, from the user account, as follows:
- from the website, for any person who has already purchased (from ticket counters) "Transport Card" media (by associating the digital season ticket purchased online with the "Transport Card" media);
- through the mobile application (called CFR Călători bilete online), or by associating the digital season ticket purchased online with " Transport Card" media (already purchased from ticket counters) or a mobile device on which the QR code is activated.
15.4.3 Monthly tickets are issued in digital format with an unlimited number of discounted or free trips, as the case may be, according to the provisions of the legislation in force, only through the mobile phone application, by associating the season ticket with a mobile device on which the QR code is activated, for pupils/students who have created their pupil/student profile and have the related ID valid for the current school/university year.
15.4.4 CFR online tickets CAN NOT be used on a detour route.
15.4.5 The CFR Călători season tickets (passes) valid on the InterCity trains also allow you to travel on the InterRegio and Regio trains, and those valid on the InterRegio trains also allow you to travel on the Regio trains.
15.4.6 Holders of CFR online season tickets related to a transport card, for a journey made by to the upper class or a higher class train (e.g. a journey by an Intercity or InterRegio train with a valid Regio train season ticket) or for seat reservation on a train with reservation system can pay for related tariff differences and/or can buy the seat reservation ticket from the ticket counters with electronic issuance. Onboard, these tariff differences are issued according to the regulations in force accessible on the official website (at ticket counter tariff or onboard tariff, as the case may be).
15.4.7 Holders of CFR online season tickets related to a mobile phone, for a journey made by to the upper class or a higher class train (e.g. a journey by an Intercity or InterRegio train with a valid Regio train season ticket) or for seat reservation on a train with reservation system can pay for related tariff differences and/or can buy the seat reservation ticket at ticket counter tariff only from the train staff, within the number of available seats, according to regulations in force accessible on the official website
15.4.8 CFR online season tickets can be used when travelling under the conditions for which they were issued, without a mandatory seat reservation. If passengers wish a seat reservation, they can request it as follows:
a)for CFR online season tickets related to a transport card, the seat reservation ticket can be requested at ticket counters with electronic issuance or onboard (within the available number of seats).
b)for CFR online season tickets related to a mobile phone, the seat reservation ticket can only be requested onboard (within the available number of seats).
15.4.9 CFR online season tickets do not allow any change. If you wish to change travel data of a CFR online season ticket, it will be returned under the conditions mentioned in section 12.2 and a new season ticket will be purchased for the new travel data.
15.4.10 For CFR online season tickets associated with a mobile device, the QR code can only be regenerated/viewed on another device after a period of 90 minutes after generation is activated on the new device.
16. Commercial offers specific to CFR Călători are made available to passengers only under the terms and conditions established for sale.
CFR Călători reserves the right to change the sales conditions or to cease, at any time, the application of one or more of its own commercial offers.
17. The service is unavailable during 02:00 - 02:30 (at night), because of the system maintenance operations.
18. The user is responsible for checking and setting up the internet browser used, so that emails related to the application « Buy CFR online tickets » are not automatically sent to « Spam » (due to specific settings of the browsing applications or of the internet provider, etc).
19. Before using the service Buy CFR online tickets and whenever there are questions about how to fill in the fields, the registered user has to carefully read the "user manual" of HELP service. Suggestions and questions can be sent by email to
20. CFR Călători takes no responsibility if the user fills in/ selects incorrectly (out of ignorance, carelessness, etc) the fields through which he/she requests the purchase of CFR online tickets / season tickets.
21. Passengers holding CFR online tickets /season tickets are required to be informed and fully comply with the legal provisions in force regarding the railway journey (including those related to the transport of luggage) like any other regular passenger.
22. For registered users belonging to "authorized distributors", the terms of use of the service are stipulated by the specific contracts concluded with SNTFC CFR Călători SA.
23.Issuing the electronic invoice for "CFR online tickets" / "CFR online season tickets"
23.1 The electronic invoice for the "CFR online tickets" is issued from the account of the user who bought the ticket, by using the section "Orders", within the online application (on the top blue bar on the home page), accessing "Operations on an order" - Invoice function for a ticket in of the situation Paid, entering, on your own responsibility, the mandatory invoicing data, namely:
for a natural person - Name, Surname Country, County, City, address and Personal Number Code. Optionally, you can also enter data related to identity card series and number and Social Security Number.
- for a legal entity - Company name, Country, County, City, Tax Identification Number, address. Optionally, you can also enter data related to Trade Registry number, bank account and bank name.
The invoice can be issued for the entire CFR online ticket (for all passengers mentioned in that transaction).
23.2 The electronic invoice for the "CFR online season tickets" is issued from the account of the user who bought the season ticket, by using the section "Orders", within the online application (on the top blue bar on the home page), accessing "Operations on an order" - Invoice function for a season ticket in one of the following situations: Paid, entering, on your own responsibility, the mandatory invoicing data, namely:
- for a natural person - Name, Surname Country, County, City, address and Personal Number Code. Optionally, you can also enter data related to identity card series and number and Social Security Number.
- for a legal entity - Company name, Country, County, City, Tax Identification Number, address. Optionally, you can also enter data related to Trade Registry number, bank account and bank name.
23.3 The invoice can only be obtained if filling and validation of the request with the invoicing data from your own profile fall within the legal deadline, namely by the 15th of the month following the month in which the online CFR online ticket/season ticket was purchased. After filling in the data and validating it, the invoice is automatically generated and sent by e-mail, but it can also be printed or saved in pdf format from the user account, in the "My orders" section.
23.4 For the CFR online tickets for which the initial travel data have been changed and for which an invoice has been requested for the original ticket, as well as for the CFR online tickets/season tickets for which trip cancellation has been requested (for which there is no initial invoice), the request for issuing the invoice is made by e-mail to the address
24. Electronic issuance of the cancellation invoice for "CFR online tickets"/ "CFR online passes", for which the initial invoice was generated
24.1 The electronic issuance of the cancellation invoice for "online CFR tickets" is done from the user's account ONLY after the cancellation of the trip has been performed by using the "Orders" section, within the online application (on the top blue bar on the home page), by accessing " Operations on an order " - function Invoice cancellation for a ticket in the state: "Cancelled by canceling the trip" without entering billing data. The billing data is automatically taken from the initial invoice generated from the user account.
24.2 The electronic issuance of the cancellation invoice for "CFR online passes" is done from the user's account ONLY after the trip cancellation operation has been performed by using the "Orders" section, within the online application (on the top blue bar on the home page), by accessing " Operations on an order " - function Invoice cancellation for a subscription in the state: "Cancelled by canceling the trip" without entering billing data. The billing data is automatically taken from the initial invoice generated from the user account.
24.3 The cancellation invoice is generated and sent automatically by e-mail, to the address declared when creating the user account, but it can be printed or saved in pdf format and from the user account in the "My Orders" section, only if it was generated original invoice.
24.4 For the amounts refunded in case of tariff differences (class difference, rank difference), the issuance of the Cancellation Invoice is requested by e-mail at .
Careful! To cancel the trip for reasons attributable to CFR Călători, the refund request must be entered, selecting the option "Outside the standard conditions", otherwise the value of the cancellation invoice, which is generated automatically, will not reflect the real value of the amount to be refunded.
25.The e-Commerce banking transactions (through which the payment is made for CFR online tickets/CFR online season tickets) are ensured, according to the legislation in force, by providers authorized in this regard (whose logos can be found on the authentication page). The types of credit cards currently accepted by our partners are: MAESTRO, MASTERCARD, VISA and VISA ELECTRON.
These terms and conditions may be subject to change, without any prior notice.